Friday, September 10, 2010

Letter to Obama

I just have a question.

The BBC today quoted Obama as saying, "I will do everything I can, as long as I am president of the United States, to remind the American people that we are one nation under God. We may call that god different names but we are one nation."

I must ask Obama, why have you excluded, like the father of your predecessor, those of us that do not believe in deities and other mythical creatures from the composition of this nation? Why, at a time when Atheists are viewed by the American people as less trust-worthy and the least "American" would you support this modern bigotry and religious intolerance by excluding us...all the while expounding the virtues of tolerance for other religions? Is this tolerance only to extend to those who believe in Gods?

At a time when it is more important than ever to point out and raise on high our *secular* values as a nation and the enlightened and purposeful religion free and neutral philosophy it was founded upon, you chose instead to pay lip service to an intolerant and incorrect view of America and her history. As an atheist I was surprised and hopeful at your mention of non-believers in your inaugural speech. Unfortunately today you've crushed those hopes and once again indicated to the entire world that this country is a country for believers.

Mr. President, America is not a country "under God" any more than any of the other countries on the world and throughout history that have claimed this arrogant title. This is a country built by the *people* and FOR the people and its people are made up of people who believe in various deities and those who do not. We're only as indivisible as our people of ALL beliefs are included. Today you helped split us rather than bind.

It is my hope that you will retract and clarify this statement. We can be a nation indivisible. We need to end the abhorrent and schismatic language in our public dialog than only serves to point out differences than similarities. We are all people and we all want to be free to be and believe what our moral, rational and irrational minds lead us to believe.

Blog note: George Bush Sr. once responded to the question, "Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists?" by saying, "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

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